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Faslet Global Object

The window._faslet global

The _faslet global object is defined as follows: The Faslet system allows you to control and interact with the Size Me Up Virtual Assistant through a global JavaScript variable window._faslet. This interface provides an accessible way to customize the Size Me Up Virtual Assistant's behavior according to your needs.

interface Window {
_faslet?: {
id: string; // The product identifier
variants: {
size: string;
color?: string;
id: string;
available: boolean;
sku: string;
price?: number;
imageUrl?: string; // The thumbnail image for this variant to be shown in the widget result screen
colors?: {
id: string;
name: string;
addToCart?: (variantId: string) => Promise<unknown>; // Will be invoked when Add-to-cart is clicked at the end of the widget flow
sku: string; // The product SKU if it exists
shopUrl: string;
onButtonShow?: (
productId: string,
configuration: {
minWidth: number | undefined
minHeight: number | undefined
) => unknown; // Will be invoked when the button should show
onButtonHidden?: (productId: string) => unknown; // Will be invoked when the button is hidden (either by AB testing or because it shouldn't show on this product)
onOpen?: (productId: string) => unknown; // Will be invoked when the popup is opened
onClose?: (productId: string) => unknown; // Will be invoked when the popup is closed
onResult?: (
result: {
label: string;
userName: string | undefined;
userId: string;
profile: {
weight: number | undefined;
height: number | undefined;
ageRange: string | undefined;
referenceShoeBrand: string | undefined;
referenceShoeSize: string | undefined;
resultType: 'auto' | 'result-screen',
resultReason: 'pre-calculated' | 'after-close' | 'new-request' | 'instant-fit'
) => unknown; // Will be invoked when a result is calculated
onFitRating?: (fitRating: number) => unknown; // Will be invoked to provide the fit rating of the product
onColorSelected?: (colorId: string) => unknown; // Will be invoked when a color is selected at the end of the widget flow
selectColor?: (colorId: string) => unknown; // Can be invoked to tell the widget which color option to select
openWidget?: (productId?: string) => unknown; // Can be invoked to programmatically open the widget flow (in case of custom built buttons)
onDataChanged?: (userData: {
userId: string
widgetVersion?: string
seenExperiments?: string
experimentVariants?: string
profile?: FasletUserProfile
}) => unknown; // Will be invoked when the user data is changed in the widget
onExperimentsReady?: (
activeExperiments: string[]
) => unknown; // Will be invoked when experiments are loaded

Here are the properties available within the window._faslet object:

idstringYesThe product identifier.
addToCartfunctionYesA function that will be invoked when the 'Add to Cart' button is clicked at the end of the popup flow.
variantsarrayYesAn array of variant objects with properties such as size, color, id, available, sku, price, and imageUrl.
colorsarrayNoAn array of color objects each with id and name properties.
skustringNoThe product SKU, if it exists.
shopUrlstringNoThe URL of the shop.
onButtonShowfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when the button should show.
onButtonHiddenfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when the button is hidden (either by AB testing or because it shouldn't show on this product).
onResultfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when a result is calculated. It takes two parameters: an object with information about the result such as the size label that was recommended to the customer, the user's profile, a resultType which can be either auto or result-screen and a result-reason which will be one of pre-calculated, after-close, new-request, or instant-fit
onFitRatingfunctionNoA function that will be invoked to provide the fit rating of the product.
onColorSelectedfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when a color is selected at the end of the popup flow.
selectColorfunctionNoA function that can be invoked to tell the Virtual Assistant which color option to select.
openWidgetfunctionNoA function that can be invoked to programmatically open the popup flow (in case of custom built buttons).
onOpenfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when the popup is opened.
onClosefunctionNoA function that will be invoked when the popup is closed.
onDataChangedfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when the user data is changed in the popup.
onExperimentsReadyfunctionNoA function that will be invoked when experiments are loaded. It takes an array of strings, each string representing an active experiment variant.

Note that the addToCart function returns a promise. This allows calling a backend api asynchronously and the popup will await this. This is very handy if your add to cart is not simply a redirect. If in doubt, a Promise.resolve() can always be returned, as has been done in the above examples.